Your ingame name: DumbAssPvP The offender's ingame name: zRekt & FastSex A DESCRIPTION of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Dosing Evidence/SCREENSHOTS. Right after TheSlayer572 dosed me, FastSex came and killed me the exact second it happened.
24 Hours to Provide more evidence, or this is invalid. (Reason why it's invalid - Coming from the fact, I was not there, and have no idea of what did / didn't happen. I have to start with a blank mind, & the whole point of a report, is to convince a mod that a player did wrong. In this screenshot I see that Fast says "TheSlayer did it" and you in the end ask "The slayer ddosd me?" There was no response to the last question ,and even then, it wasn't a direct message from TheSlayer. I could get ingame and message someone " Kaos DDoS'd you." Does that mean Kaos actually ddos'd him? No. Do you see what I mean ? I like to explain my reasoning rather than just letting you feel like you wasted time reporting.