Your ingame name: UncleUrnesto The offender's ingame name: Xxbekillinxx A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking Evidence/screenshots. Below sorry for bad graphics.
I do not hack at the time when you hit me my PC crashed ok this sounds like an excuse but I'm people who can cover for me I deletd all my hacks and don't post hackers if you hack yourself
That's why I froze and wasent hitting anything I crashed and for me my mc closed down but I was still in the game you can come on and hit me to prove I don'tdon't
Okay we'll I don't hack anymore either I made a post of me removing them but I do admit belkilin hacks
Do you have prof of me doing this as I can't disconnect in combat I either crash or ur just telling bs
Here's a picture of my versions folder were hacks are stored taking 5 seconds ago and look there is no hacks
No I've always had them deleted check my ban appeal post I deleted them them and I haven't installed them since