My IGN: TheChainPickAxe Offender's IGN: Xokah Rule broken: Some variation of kill-aura with reach. Evidence: Watch this video very carefully and pause it at several moments to count the reach on the hits he is getting. For example at 0:05 he literally hits me from six blocks away, you can easily count if you go in-game because he is clearly behind the slab and I am standing on the yellow line. Look at the hit at 0:20 and the hits that follow that. The hit at 0:40. Here is a slowed-down version of the same video: Once again look at the reach on the hit at 0:02, that is at least six blocks. Look at 0:33, he is literally not looking at me and his crosshairs don't ever cross my body so "hit delay" is out of the question. Observe how he hits me while looking 180 degrees in the other direction at what universe is that a legitimate hit? Count the range on his next hit at 0:40 and again at 0:42 and basically every hit after that.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has already been banned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.