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  • Xminiar having a programed book.

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by snowviking02, Jun 11, 2016.

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    1. snowviking02

      snowviking02 Active Member

      May 29, 2014
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      Daesang here posting about a book hack which took 1.7mil from me on factions. I am posting on this account because my forums account doesn't actually work (cannot confirm).

      So, it was around a week ago when a player named xMiniar messaged me saying: 'hey come to spawn'
      At first I ignored it since I was busy but then he said: 'It's important'
      I then told him I was coming but he kept insisting for me to hurry up.

      So I get to spawn and meet him and he hands me a book named, 'daesang hacking' he says, 'look at it'. I open it up and there is a youtube link which started with aesang-hacking (and then some youtube code). I was confused because I don't hack but I tried to click on the link, nothing actually happened, as in a tab didn't open up.

      I ask him what this is but then I see '1700000 has been sent to xMiniar' in chat. But before I saw this I had already handed back the book as he had said 'It's just a prank bro'.

      In the image below you can see my money being sent to him.

      After this he was like 'I don't know what you're talking about' and played dumb.

      After this I managed to get another hackbook from xMiniar who tried to do the same thing to Adroven. In the book was the same code 'droven-hacking etc'. I handed these books over to the mods and I think my faction also managed to get two more; we handed them all over to the mods.

      You may ask 'why isn't xMiniar on baltop then?' But I think he was working with IamIssac as in chat he was trying to convince people that you can't book hack and he was also in the same faction as xMiniar. (Although, I have no proof on the stuff IamIssac said, I wasn't screenshotting at that point.) I find it strange how a player I have never heard of and hasn't played can make it onto /baltop 2 within ten minutes.

      Another person who also fell victim to this book was NitrosPvP, he says he lost around 700k.

      Also, I have proof of xMiniar admitting that he did book hack because I asked him why he did it and he said 'personal entertainment.'

      One more piece of evidence I have is that the book itself was signed by xMiniar, I cannot show this because the mods have the books though.

      So I post this report because I would LOVE to get my money back as I was left with around 100k since I had almost 1.8mil. I have since sold a lot of my valuables to get money but it took a long time for me to get that amount and it really sucks that someone took it all with one line of code.

      - daesang.

      [Pictures can be sent thru email or skype, Couldnt upload them here]
      Last edited: Jun 11, 2016
    2. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Sorry, but without proper proof we cannot do anything about this.
      Feel free to report the player if you are able to provide evidence.
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