1. Your ingame name: jadey64 2. The offenders ingame is: Warty45 3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Gliding to a impossible spot on Jungle (Infection) Then finally winning at the end of the round. 4. Evidence/screenshots: Screenshots, I would've recorded him but I don't have a youtube account to post my videos onto :(
I'll give ya proof that it wasn't lagg, because when the main tree where everyone goes to was striked and everyone died including me, then I did /alive and Warty was still alive, I walked to the side of the map and he was standing on the dome when I took the pic.
I've seen that before and that is hacks. They fly all over the map and land on the dome. This needs to be a ban.
When it's the lag, the player like walks in the air and jumps. This isn't lag because he is standing still and you can see he is landing very very still.