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  • Voting glitch makes me sad :( [Resolved] [NCC]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by JellevdAakster, Nov 24, 2015.


    Please fix the voting bug?

    1. Yes :D

      1 vote(s)
    2. No idc >:(

      0 vote(s)
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    1. JellevdAakster

      JellevdAakster Active Member

      Feb 20, 2015
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      Hi! I am JellevdAakster
      I as voting everyday this month. I was in top 3 with 23 voter while all the others had 22 votes. That made me happy, because if I would keep voting, I would've been in the top 5. But then the next day, vote.mineverse.com said that i already voted that day. BUT I DIDN'T! I tried it again in the evening, but then it said the same. So now I have the same votes as all the other million people who have 1 vote less than the nr. 1 and 2. And I'm not in top 5 anymore, Not even in the top 10! I swear I didn't vote that day. I didn't have any voterkeys at me when i joined OPFactions. I'm very sad now, cuz I really wanted to win the rank upgrade. I hope that you have a solution for me :D

      Greets: JellevdAakster

      (Btw, maybe some1 made it bug for me. But I can vote today so it was an one-day glitch)
    2. Lord Jaraxxus

      Lord Jaraxxus Well-Known Member

      Jun 9, 2014
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      This is no glitch, This is some other player ruining your chance at winning by voting for you. It's really sad to see the community doing this to other members and happens to the best of us due to people being greedy helping their friends by "playing dirty". Another explanation is that you voted while you were offline and glitched yourself which is very sad to see aswell but is fixed the next day. Resolved just read through what I posted.... I'm sorry.
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