Okay so I have been voting every day since the first trying to win a Rankup to Titan and to support the server of course and I have voted every single day. But the other day it bugged out and said that I already voted and have to wait to vote again. This happened cause I know when the vote resets so you can vote again and what happened was I tried to vote like 30 seconds before it reset so I guess it bugged out or something and the vote didn't go through. I have proof here
So I should of been at 10 on the top with them but it bugged out and said I only had 9 votes. I voted yesterday and the day before, and today so I should be up top with them with 12 votes but it's going through as I only have 11 votes
We cannot do anything with the voting site. We have no authority on that site, it is completely independent from Mineverse. Also, if your name was on the top 10, someone trolled you and voted for your name on another server. They have been doing that to me for almost 2 years now.
I have a timer set for 7:50 everyday because it resets at 8:00 in my time zone. So I have been working very hard to vote on time expecially because I don't have access to my computer right now and next to no internet access. So I actually use my moms phone or go to like McDonald's or something just to vote
Did you not read where I have been voting everyday for almost 2 years? Yes, I completely get it. Its very frustrating. But here isn't anything we can do here on Mineverse about it.
@Dyna_Mighty how does that work? Like if I go vote on a random server for like 50 people they will all be screwed?
Yeah I know about the ip thing. That's why I went to McDonald's to try since the ip would be different xD