1)My name is lboone2000 2) I am reporting CaptalnSparklez and hangman787 3) They used /jump to get onto my island and when I asked them to leave, they bragged about working for Uploader, the player who hacked my island the last time. CaptalnSparklez (CP to save time) and hangman787 (HM) set warps in my storage room, and stole armor from my armor stand. After asking them to leave again, I killed CP with lava and attempted to kill HM. They took advantage of their God commands, and /healed themselves. CP even said "Uploader asked if you want her to hold your items." I reported Uploader earlier, but he was only banned temporarily, and it does not show that he has been banned when I do /seen Uploader. I love this serve, but people like them have stolen 2 very valuable items from me, and they received little to no punishment. My items were also not recovered either. I have evidence
Just to let you know, we have a new plugin that handles our bans. Doing /seen on a player does not show if the player is banned or not. Uploader was banned and will be for another day or so. Please tell me where in the videos that I need to watch to be able to handle the report fast. 35 minutes of video is a lot to watch.
Sorry! My dad wasn't feeling well, so I was helping him the past few days. From the beginning of the 1st video until 7:10 is evidence. After that they still harassed me, but I was ignoring them. The 2nd video has evidence at 0:10. Sorry there is so much extra video. I thought I trimmed out the excess.
Ok, here is the way I see it. Yes, they were harassing you and deserve punishment. However, you also deserve punishment for killing players on a peaceful game mode: TP Trapping can also include player killing on peaceful gamemodes such as Skyblock, Hellblock, Skygrid, Creative, etc. That was taken directly from the rules. I am going to put this as handled, simply because all of you guys broke the rules. I feel that what they did versus what you did will cancel each other out. From now on, I would just suggest you leaving if they do something like this again. If there is no one there to harass, they likely won't stay. Or, if you choose to stay, record footage of the harassment and report it, without breaking any rules yourself. Im sorry that you were harassed and if they are reported again, I will handle it personally. Please feel free to tag me in the report.
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.