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  • Skyblock Uploader [Corrupt Files][Panda][No Evidence]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by CaptainWindowJ, Jun 2, 2016.

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    1. CaptainWindowJ

      CaptainWindowJ Active Member

      Mar 22, 2016
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      HI I am (un game name) rogan rewis
      I have been spending hours and hours on end on this server
      But now a person named uploader has been able to open all of my chests and steal my stuff.
      I dont know how but he did he was also able to open doors on my island
      he also somehow took my cow spawner wich I paid 5$ for so ples I know this isnt a lot of support but just ples help me out to try to get him banned
    2. PandaBear__

      PandaBear__ Guest

      No evidence was provided. Feel free to make another report once you have the evidence.

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