I was on OP factions, and then me and my friends were trying to find a base. Suddenly, uncleurnesto tpas to us, and we accepted it. After a 30 minute fight, uncle urnesto reports us for hacking... although all we did was kill his team mates. We had protection v, and sharpness 7 sword, nothing else. That isnt hacking right? So me and my friends kept saying that he is reporting us for nothing, and he said that me and my friends had "aimbot", when he is the one who is killing me and jumping around while I cant hit him.. Please tell me whos right or who's wrong.
Doesn't matter. This isn't a discussion section. If you're reported we will decide if there is proof of hacks or not. If he doesn't report then no big deal. No need to make a silly thread like this in the report section.
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