1. Elrak 2. GizzBots 3. Being abusive, banning me because of an 'avatar' which I had no idea I had on. 4. So I was on teamspeak, asking Gizzbots an important question, the only time I'm actually on to ask a question and the second I ask him, I get banned. I use Mineverse as a bookmark on my teamspeak so it saves the name 'Elric' and it saves the picture as 'fryzigg' (which isn't even bannable, I could say I was diggy and get him banned). How the **** am I supposed to know this when you didn't warn me? Simply pathetic.
So let me get this straight, you had an avatar of someone IRL which is against the rules if the person does not want it there. You did not know it was there and would have liked a warning because you didn't know it was illegal to do? I am confused.
Gizz calls me retarded because it's not against the rules, I don't see in the teamspeak rules? I logged on, not knowing it was there. I knew it was apparently 'rule breaking' but I didn't know the picture was there. I would of liked him to actually warn me so I could change it, not out right ban me.
If a player advertises on MV, and says "I would have liked a warning since I didn't know what I was doing is against the rules", how is that valid? Moderators are not obliged to do that. I hope you understand.
It's also noted that advertising is a lobby ban/ instant ban, this isn't. I didn't advertise, I had a picture which I didn't know I had on my teamspeak.
I could unintentionally do something IRL and would still get in trouble for my actions. Same goes here. Someone post a link and doesn't know they are advertising, they still pay the ultimate price.
It is an example that applies to everything. You do something on purpose or not, you will suffer the consequences here.
This was funny. But still, whither you know or not that you were breaking the rules, it still does count as valid.
Yes, that will be addressed. The reason should be more professional but I think we both know what it means.
@GizzBots -- Next time I would like and expect a reason that is more professional. Not a big deal. Just a learning experience. Report resolved.
I'd like to reply to this first. Elric, I've told you at least 30 times. I've told you on Teamspeak and on the forums - You're not allowed to have your avatar as a picture of Fryzigg. You intentionally do this. You can't put it up there without physically selecting it. You deserved this ban. Heck, even Terrick and Cyp joined my channel later to see why I had banned a few people and I explained. They had no problem with my reasoning for banning you. You were banned fairly - I don't see why every time you are handed a punishment on Teamspeak you see the need to put a staff report on me. I'd like to explain one thing; although when you are promoted you do get Mod on Teamspeak too, my perms on teamspeak do not affect my in game moderation nor my forums moderation. Now, your main goal was to get me 'warned'. Why do you see the need to get me warned? Teamspeak is a different environment with different rules. Break rules, you get punished. This one ban was justified. @bananaman11223 - It's Teamspeak. He knows what I meant.