Your ingame name: froekoewoekoe The offender's ingame name: legend_gamer95 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: tresspassing Evidence/screenshots: I dont think that the kid deserves a ban, just a warning about doing it again will result in action. The first time i caught him in the act trying to glitch out with his squid, i warned him then that doing it again will result in my reporting. Not even 2 minutes later i see someone on top of my island so i fly over and sure enough its him. Im not saying the kid needs a ban or even a temp ban, just a simple warning that doing it again will result in disciplinary action. thanks.
Greetings! At your request, I have warned the player against trespassing on islands where there are signs saying not to. Should the behavior continue, please let the Staff know. Best Regards, Melgrath