Your ingame name: prince_planet_2 The offender's ingame name: timmyyap A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: I was walking around discovering different plots, when I came across this one, which has many swear words written using Diamond Blocks on it. Timmyyap has obviously banned everyone he can on his plot as for some weird reason, I am denied when trying to enter his plot. This is why I couldn't get real close with the screen shots. His plot ID is -83;-33 This plot has many swear words all over it, and also has heaps and heaps of swears on signs, which my friend told me since I could not enter the plot my self. I quickly raced into the plot and did /plot info before I was sent back to the edge of the plot. From the looks of his plot info, he has many helpers assigned to his plot as well, so the question remains if he built this, or if one of his 24 helpers made it. Evidence/screenshots: I have attached screen shots of his plot, and plot ID. As I said before, I was un able to get any closer since for some reason I was denied from his plot. Thanks for considering this. For those admins out there, I am trying my hardest to do things on the forums, and help people, and I have made a Mod Application which I have to keep bumping as no one is replying or anything. Please take the time to review it if you can. Thanks!
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.