I was banned for a non existent rule g. It was by graysage I had done nothing and he banned me for 3 days. I want to be unbanned please thank you my name is Kanye on ts. @larrythebird101 @AgentWifi @GizzBots @CypriotMerks
This wasn't abuse. Cypriot deranked you from Member. When you kept asking why you were deranked we gave you the answer but you kept asking and asking after being given multiple warnings and a kick.
I was asking why he de ranked me. I never got the answer and still that is not a ban considering it is not a rule.
We told you because you are funmakers, Cyp even IP checked you. That's why he removed your Member. If you keep asking something after being given the answer you can be kicked because you are not listening and just spamming the chat. This is invalid so I am archiving. And you're banned on this account anyways.