Your ingame name: IN1NJAI The offender's ingame name: tobyranger12 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Cursing/disrespect Evidence/screenshots.
I was insulting you because you was in my house and you was tpying people and i said stop you said ''go **** yourself. Thats insane.
Alright lets get this straight. I did not sethome my home in your base nor did I tp anyone of harm into your base, Toby. I simply said "GTFO" to you because you were making me mad. You then started to spam me with insane cursing.
Toby, I don't think you heard what I said. I said that I tped people of no harm, meaning I tped people that I know were sort of friends with you and wouldn't tp others. When KewlMCDude got on, he told everyone to tp out and that is what they did. I did not cause your base or anyone harm.
Listen. I did not set my home. I said to scare him, but I did not set my home there. My home is set in my base.
Clearly you have no idea how to listen. Tempban for a day. From the lobby if you have to, this dude is a complete prick.
That Doesn't Matter Though. Because He Believed That You Did And That Was One Of The Main Reasons Of His Cursing.
There is no reason to curse to that extent. He went over the top and should have asked me nicely to get out. He was the one to tp me inside.
People Have Their Rage Moments. It Is A Human Thing We Sometimes Have. If You Wanne Bann Someone Over That You Aren't Playing It Fair. Don't Bother Replying-This Conv Is Over.
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