Please follow this template when making a Bug | Glitch report. Your in-game name: arroweater17 Game mode that the bug and/or glitch is effecting: Survival Description of the bug and/or glitch: Pay dupe / max bal cap bypass Video/screenshot of the glitch: cba to go dupe or ss baltop. Steps to reproduce the glitch: Pay dupe/space out 0's for bal cap bypass. Extra info: This is gonna end up being a waste of time since survival literally gets paid no attention 2, but it would be nice if the dupe that was patched on skyblock was patched on survival as well. The max bal cap was set so players could not go over it, however with this dupe existing player can go over the max bal cap. Either just remove the bal cap (ab time lmao) or set players down to 49.99m again and patch the bypass, and the dupe. Survival currency is worthless at this point due to the dupe, and will just get worse and worse.