Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: jajkolucas The offender's ingame name: jjairo, sijack55 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: (jjairo)extremely offensive language(sijack55) advertising a death warp Evidence/screenshots
Oh yes but did you also include your swearing? I bet Not. #DontJustTakePicsOfHerSwearing For some strange reason I can't show you any pics but I will post in different comment.
i wasnt even swearing and i was trying to take screen shots of it up but i couldnt take them for some reason
what that was just me saying *are you calling me stupid* then i miss spelt it so i corrected why dont you show the rest huh ?
Pending mute until jjairo is online. sijack55 must have deleted the warp since you posted this and you showed no proof of it actually being a deathwarp so sijack55 is free to go as I cannot prove it is a deathwarp as it no longer exists. Thank you for the report... pending.