Today on Mineverse survival, I went to a warp displayed in chat and it was a death drop. I survived by quickly doing /home, but I went back and plugged up the drop, for it was unclaimed. A player, zombielover152, was upset by my actions, but I threatened to report his supporting of cheating. He pretended to be okay with it and I teleported to him a couple minutes later. There was a brand new death drop owned by j0nathan, with the "o" a zero, and he told me to leave. Zombielover152 left, came back by warping, and dropped 2 helmets and 1 chest, both diamond. He blamed me for stealing them and also stealing 100k, which I did not. I refused to return his items until he stopped blaming me, but he didn't. J0nathan and Zombielover152 spat insults into chat, also spamming me in private messages, calling me, CaptainPuddlez, a "liar, thief, hacker." They removed the warp but continued lying in the chat and spamming messages to me. I don't want your impressive server dirtied up with liars and cheaters. I felt that it would be best if action was taken. Thank you for taking the time to read my report.