If I should read them again how come every single person cusses when ever i play. Even when a mod is on people swear and the mods don't care. Even the mods swear. I have seen Pile_of_Butts swear many times.
Do not use foul language. Bypassing the filter and racism count as foul language Keep the chat appropriate Also use common sense, saying that is not common sense.
Sir, i use common sense all the time. But how do you explain the mods swearing? I have seen many of the mods swear and be disrespectful towards other players, and I don't think that these mods are setting a good example of the rules.
No when you say it it doesn't sound like that, But they are ofthen joking, it's not often you see a mod just say "Fck this freaking ****" (Dont report me for that) They just probably joking, But still as you say it's not an good example for the new players on mineverse.
I understand that the mods don't say swear after swear, but there are 5 year olds who play minecraft. And they play on mineverse. I just don't think it is appropriate to swear on any server, for little kids will start using those words in text messages or in real life. I was walking to a gas station once to pick up some drinks for my friends and i when I heard a little boy say the f word to his mother. The mom then asked where the little boy got that word from. He said his PC. I was shocked that a little boy would say such a thing to his own mother. So I think NoobCrew needs to enforce the rules a little more, and select mods who respect the rules.
I have never seen any of the mods doing such a thing, but if you feel that that problem needs to be addressed then please file a report, instead of bringing it up on a report. Thanks.
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.