Your ingame name: bnraiff The offender's ingame name: DerpDuhDerp A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Swearing, Scamming Evidence/screenshots. Swearing: Scamming: A Few Seconds Later... So she swore, then agreed to allie if i did something, i did it and then she instantly un-allied. Also, tried to take all of @Gohan:Punisher135709 's money using a shop bug. This isnt the first time he's been banned for scamming. I believe it's time.
20th Century Fox Presents: Bump II A story of a ban report of an impatient person, tragically forgotten among the others, it is the Mod's job to put this report to rest. STARRING: @Pile_of_Butts @bnraiff @DerpDuhDerp From the makers of Bump: Bump II Hopefully Releasing today, on a fourm near you.
Also i didn't take punisher's money using a shop bug he had a shop made next to my palace and it was for him to buy 5 diamonds for 1k and i had a lot of diamonds and i sold them all to him. Is what i would love to say but the truth is Djryan2000 bought all of them instead of me and im low on diamonds.
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I need more proof to do anything on the scam... bnraiff you know that. We spoke. I was waiting for that...
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.