ShovelMc @Mega Invalid use of warning points I did nothing wrong. I see no reason to have been applied warning points. Also I'd like to point out he threatned me <3 Mega no bad no bad mega
Let's see here. "I did nothing wrong" Yeah I am pretty sure that is wrong. I didn't "threaten you" I told you politely that you might get perm banned if you keep this up.
Where is politley coming from? "Next time I will perm ban you? I see noting wrong, I didnt swear I censored it and spoke my mind
You called me a skid and said I had the IQ of a potato. I didn't apply the warning points for swearing, I applied them for staff disrespect again.
Hi shovel, I am sorry but I am closing this report at invalid. The reason I am stating this is because Mega did his job from what I can see and disrespecting other players or staff members isn't allowed either. Hopefully you respect my decision, if you have any further inquiries about this report please feel free to pm me. Closing.