Your ingame name:crayon1983 Moderator name lola_perez A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:lying in mod application Evidence/ here she clearly states she is concerned about other people and players and she didnt even reply to my appeal when me along with scofu13 had tagged her in it.
I'm sorry but lola is amazing moderator, she does her job brilliantly and without flaw. It can be hard for mods sometimes because they have a lot of reports etc to handle, and have you ever considered that she might be busy Irl with family problems or something of the sought? No? Didn't think so.... So please, unless you have absolute proof of a mod not doing what they should and ignoring you than don't post a report, especially one that states "Lying in a mod application".
shes been on for at least 3 hours for 6 days and shes dealt with appeals more recent than mine it just seems like discrimination to me.
Sorry for not handling it, I was with my family somewhere out of my house. Why did you reported me for not handling your appeal in time? :grum:
Inactive? Us, mods, have lives. We don't moderate 24/7. This report is ridiculous. She doesn't have to reply to your appeal right away. It's your fault for hacking. You chose to hack, you have to do the time.
May I enlist you as the temporary archive fairy? We need a temp one since blub left, and if you choose to accept this will be your first task.
i know that and i realize i have to do the time. just how much time though. ive been gone 6 days. is that long enough?
This report is absurd and not necessary. You could of simply pm'd lola. I will notify her so she can reply to your appeal. Locking and archiving