1. Elrak 2. KingAlex 3. Warning me for nothing and being completely biased. 4. Okay, so there was this trolling incident from Scofu13 and this is the screenshot which KingAlex warned me for: I get warned for saying 'no? you piss me off', yet he doesn't get warned for saying i'm not wanted anywhere? That is complete bias actions and I don't even understand how he could come to the conclusion that this was the right thing to do. Tells me not report him and then gives me evidence to report him with, lmao.
He pisses me off, I told him. I wasn't being rude to him, I was just telling him he pissed me off. I don't understand how anyone could take that as being rude.
Ok Elric, i apologize. I'm sorry if you feel like I'm biased towards you, But I'm not. Everyone here has an equal status. I'm sorry if you felt like this was extreme, but in my eyes, it wasn't. You continue to break our rules. I only gave you a verbal warning.
This was just a simple misunderstanding. The warning has expired now and nothing should effect it. If you have any further issues feel free to report here and/or pm me or cyp Thank you for your concern. Closing.
Ok I am back again since you disagree with my decision, I will move it back and unlock it for one last reply from you. From what you reported my post for, you are saying it is because he didn't give sco the similar response. In my opinion I would be split but I believe it wasn't because of him being bias, forgive me if I am wrong however I would like you to explain fully your side of the story and @KingAlex and we can solve it together.
I wasn't being biased. All I saw was a bit of rudeness going on, so I went to your profile to solve it and clear it up. I'm sorry if I came off as biased towards you Elrak. I didn't mean to.
Again wasnt trying to be biased. I didnt fully read what sco said, and if I did I would've dealt with it.
Stop calling me incompetent. I'm not replying anymore. I was tired and was only skimming through. Like I said I wasnt trying to be biased or seem I was biased because I am not biased. I'm not replying again till Fry does.
Sometimes we miss things that are obvious at times but we can easily handle this in a calm manner, king just do what you need to do to sco's post if you haven't already.
We can still deal with it even it the comment has been, @KingAlex just do what you need to sco's post within 24 hours and it was just a mistake and has been warned by me and merkz. Closing for now till further notice.