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  • [Staff Report]KingAlex[Resigned]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by elrak, Jul 30, 2015.

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    1. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      Hello, my name is Elrak as most of you might know. I want to report the staff member, _KingAlex_. He's been in an usual mood lately, treating me with complete bias actions such as banning me for this nice comment which I said to a friend on a moderator application, there was no need to ban me, if he really found it THAT offensive he could of just edited it, yet he deleted the whole message, the message which took me whole 5 minute to type up and he also banned me off of the forums which was a complete bias move, as we are in a critical status right now.

      This is the inbox I got from him ( you should probably update the xenforo settings, i'm not even able to see the thing I was banned for but I took initiative. ) for the post in Flarey's application.

      Now this is what I got banned for, which is completely idiotic. Not too many people see me be nice on the forums and yet I get banned for something when I was ACTUALLY nice. Also, from another moderator, I heard that this was deleted for being 'rude'. Okay, I don't understand how ANYONE could possibly think this was rude, I've spoken to multiple moderators and they've agreed with me, this is absolutely horrendous.

      I understand, I've been warned a lot in the past year I've been on the forums, ( I've been trying to not get banned lately as I have nothing better to do than browse on the forums ) yet, I get banned for a simple thing like this. I don't even have too many warning points at the moment, they're not stacked up from last year (they could be but I doubt it).

      He's also been swearing in-game and such, (I'll be retrieving this when I get on my grandmothers comptuer, I took screenshots while I was over there and I haven't been back since) from about a week ago I think. I'll be adding these screenshots of him swearing, so for now please tell him to actually do what he applied for, moderate, not be a biased person.

      ty for reading, yours sincerely, elrak from iraq​
    2. KingAlex

      KingAlex Well-Known Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      I didn't ban you. You had points still active. I warned you with 3 points. Why? You never learned. I have warned you twice in the last week. You were a previous mod. You never learn to be mature or the consequence of swearing etc. You swore and were rude at me in a convo.

      Its time you learnt Elric. I haven't been biased towards you but I've being doing my job, and not once I have sworn ingame.
      I apologize if you feel this way. I've been highly stressed and depressed this week.
    3. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      is not a swear word, the paragraphs I wrote on that application were not rude, whatsoever, infact, they were extremely nice. I've never said I was a mature person, infact, I consider myself immature, there's nothing wrong with it. I was rude to you in a conversation? How does that affect what you banned me for?

      It's time you learnt, Alex. You don't ban any other player for saying '', I'd pay my life savings to see that happen. I have screenshots of you swearing so there's no need to lie about that, couldn't care less if you were depressed or stressed, everyone gets stressed, it's not an excuse.

      Now, I'd like it if you didn't comment on this until the higher ups have looked at it.
    4. KingAlex

      KingAlex Well-Known Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      Ok elric. Fry has already seen it. ^^ Alot of us consider rude. I may have gone overboard with the 3 points I gave you but its needed. You never learn.
    5. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      I've learned what I need to learn. I'm not going to deal with some moderator who cuts himself, do you know what rude is? How did that comment seem rude? Tell me how the comment which I posted on Flarey's moderator application was rude, thanks.
    6. KingAlex

      KingAlex Well-Known Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      I admit, I should've edited the post out.

      I knew you would report me before this. http://prntscr.com/7z4oo9 <--- from the last points I gave you. Reason why I banned you last time: http://prntscr.com/7z4ow7 Bullying and disrespect. You then continued saying things like,
      . You are a bully. You disrespect mods and others. http://prntscr.com/7z4pl6. If it was up to me, I would've permanently banned you from here a long time ago. Calling people an idiot: http://prntscr.com/7z4q0g. You were bullying and starting a flame war with mind_trap, as well as creating flame wars. I did what was reasonable for this ban. Your past bans you never learn from. You just keep coming back and disrespecting others. I followed this, something a past head mod said: http://prntscr.com/7z4r7g.
    7. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      How am I BULLYING him? He's 8 years older than me, he was making fun of my picture ect and I told him to stop kissing up to himself. I forgot to mention that ban, it was also incorrect. I admit, I was arguing with him a lot, bit of flaming here and there yet he did the same thing. Did he get banned? no. Did anyone else involved get banned? no.

      That's not 'disrespecting' you, it's the truth. You just said you would of permanently banned me, that's straight out abuse right there. You're calling me a bully yet you're only siding on one side. I told you in the conversation, put yourself in my shoes and you never did. This is WHY you're an incompetent moderator. You're not taking advice, you're taking everything on your own accord, punishing players because you dislike them more than other players.

      Just yesterday, you denied ChloyyBear and I's reports on the thread which was meant for the PUBLIC. Want to know why you denied it? Perhaps it was my thread? No other staff report threads get closed, only mine. Chloyy and I stated multiple reasons on how it was abuse, yet you won't listen to our advice.

      Now, before trying to back yourself up, get your head out of your 'bottom' and learn how to moderate quickly. Jesus Christ, I was an abusive moderator yet I could still do the job without being bias. Learn something from your peers, kiddo.
    8. KingAlex

      KingAlex Well-Known Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      Pops and a few others denied it too. :)
      I listen and respect all my peers. Seriously kys? We all know it stands for Kill your self. I'm not replying here anymore till @fryzigg writes a reply.
    9. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      Kill yourself? When the **** did I say that? I said 'kiss yourself'. It means to stop kissing up to yourself, it's completely sarcastic.

      Stop digging yourself a bigger grave, kiddo.
    10. AmazingFireGirl

      AmazingFireGirl Retired Head-Mod

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Ok, this is two completely different sides with different stories, the other report I will deal with soon. However this, I believe should be more in cyp's hand and he can do what is necessary. Now in my opinion both sides are in a wrong in a way but @CypriotMerks .
    11. AmazingFireGirl

      AmazingFireGirl Retired Head-Mod

      Mar 14, 2014
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      The staff in question is no longer a mod.
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