penetrix Gizzbots Infracting me for saying "kys", even though he just assumed it meant "kill yourself", which is not what I meant at all. not my fault you have a dirty mind.
Hello Penetrix, From what I have seen you have a habit of judging people extremely quickly and have a negative attitude towards the player who's profile you wrote 'please kys' on. Now, here is what I have to say. Below are many screenshots from websites after I searched the word "definition of kys". In no way does it mean I have a 'dirty mind' and your clear display of negative attitude towards this player proves my point more. You told him to 'please kys' and attempted to evade it by saying that this acronym has more meanings. Something such as this is not tolerated in game so why would it be tolerated on the forums? As stated on the infraction, please familiarise yourself with our rules. Furthermore your negative attitude which can easily be identified in your recent activity; Shows your negative attitude towards us mods. This is not appreciated, and I would also like to point out that the forums are not in any way here for players to riot, but merely to create a sense of community. I, and I speak for the rest of the staff team would agree that we would appreciate it if you took to a more positive attitude on the forums. Now, as for the report, the one day ban in which you received was justified completely and I am astonished that you think that this kind of behaviour is allowed. Our infraction system is set up so that players are able to learn from their errors and return to the community with a different approach. I am sure that you have learnt your lesson. I would also like to point out that 'kys' is unfortunately a commonly used term nowadays and it is most popularly known as 'kill yourself'. Do not use it on our forums and you will not be punished. Now, the screenshots I have taken are below. Would you like to proceed with this report or have you realised that this infraction was more then justified and that it is not ok to use this kind of slang?
Hey, I see nothing wrong with what he has done. I don't know what "kys" means to you however online and to the mods it is what gizz has punished you for. Thank you for your concern. Closing.