Your ingame name: mind_trap The offender's ingame name: canucksfan44 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Incompetence, abuse of power. This mod is a good example of why immature children shouldn't become mods, because intead of applying the server rules equally for everyone they just protect their friends. Yesterday he got me muted and kicked me from the skyblock server cause I told to his buddy Bradg14playz to "get lost". Meanwhile his buddy Bradg14playz had called me all the things that can be seen in the screenshots and in the reports I made about him and for all these he said he got just a warning from canuksfan44. I asked canuksfan44 in game why I got muted for nearly nothing while Bradg14playz got only a warning, he ignored me and left. Evidence/screenshots.
Hello! This report is located in the wrong section. Report a player. I have taken the liberty of moving this to the correct section. Report a staff. Regards, Ares.
I told you why you got muted. And that was for fighting after I said not to. And I will confess I should have muted brad and that was my fualt.
A mute for him isnt enough for all the things he said to me, you asked him to leave my shop but in his own words "I do what I want" you did nothing to him and you muted and kicked me, you left him with a warning that is useless as I am proving to the next report I made about him. I asked you why you left him with only a warning while you muted me for less and you left from the server. I asked for your help and you kicked me, that I know. You asked him to leave my shop and from me not to fight, he didnt left , I didnt stopped asking him leave, he walked away with a warning and I was muted and kicked. But its not your fault you are just 13 and dont know any better.
Ok mind. I was trying to help. I asked him to leave politly and he refused. He had every right to be at your shop. You made it a public warp therefor he is allowed to be there. The reason I warned was because your report was about 30-40 minutes before I warned him origonally ( with msg ig) it wouldn't be fair to him to be muted without warning when it accually happend. The reason I kicked you was to give a warning and not disrespect and to stop arguing which I stated in chat I will mute for. So when you argued again I muted you. When brad said "I can do what I want" he was talking to me not you and again. He had every right to be there. Even cypriot stated that to melgrath and melgrath quoted him saying it in chat.
No one has the right to be in my shop unless I want him to be. The server like my shop are public but they have rules, if you dont respect them you are banned. I contacted Noobcrew and Cypriotmerks about the situation and Im waiting for their reply. You wanted to give a warning to me? I was in my shop minding my own business when these hateful individuals came to it. Your warning to him did nothing as I am proving to the next report after the one you closed but your warning got me muted and kicked, that I know. He said all that hateful stuff to me as I am proving to the reports yet I was the one who got muted for not wanting him in my shop.
I know what Cypriot said, I presented to him a better more spherical view of the situation and Im awaiting his reply. My home address is public but if you try to walk into my home without my approval you ll see my shotgun. You dont get to do whatever you like in the name of "public".
Hi mind, I do believe canucks made an mistake, however he did realize, admit to his fault and wasn't intentional. Mods do make mistakes and we learn from them. I do understand your reasoning but canucks made a mistake and I know he has become better from this mistake. Closing.