Minutes ago I was banned for this. What part of that is Foul language?!?!?!? I used the names that are appropriate. What part of this was staff disrespect? I didn't say a thing about him. He is just upset that me and some friends griefed his home on survival because it was unclaimed. This Player is not worthy to be called a mod. Not only did he ban me, He banned me without giving me a single warning first. This mod obviously has no idea what they are doing.
I don't know the full story but please, if you feel like one of the mods is doing something wrong, please make a staff report. It's better than doing a thread like this /:
Pops, I know but when it's all the mods against one person it's unfair. Getting the community to back a player up makes it even.
No, we don't. You can either create a staff report or I could move this thread to staff reports. @ChloyyBear what do you prefer?
Ill admit Ares did make a mistake but this is his first mistake, I never saw or heard of him doing a mistake in his past moderation months. Ares is a great moderator but we all make mistakes don't we? I ain't against you I'm just trying to say that Ares shouldn't be demoted for what he done now.
I mainly think that the staff need to be taught better and know their limits and the limits of the people. I've been practicing my privileges given to me by the rules of the server and only occasionally have trouble with mods. Many of the need training mentally and emotionally. Letting emotions get the best of you is not a good way to moderate. Emotions cause players to become biased or act out of anger. I'll say this again, Mods need better training, it's the whole reason for these things happening. Not only training, they need to do tests. Test that will show the highest in command what they are doing and if a problem arises the person can then teach them what they are doing wrong and how to fix it.
Sorry to but in First of all I don't agree with what Ares said / did. Also, stories can be told very one sided. You said no reason, welllll : Again this is was an infraction on his behalf on letting his personal "vendetta' , or whatever your would call it, get in the way of being a mod and performing duties without bias. Now I don't know the whole story, I'm sure this problem will be resolved This isn't to start an argument just pouring some insight on this situation.
Hi Chloyy, I do agree with you, this was a harsh punishment and the staff overall has flaws. We are well aware of this and we are slowly trying to resolve it. As for Ares, this has been his first mistake. We aren't computers as you know. Ares will have a talk to and receive a big warning. If this continues. Feel free to make another staff report and I will make sure Cyp gets involved. Thank you. Closing.