My forum name: Slay Offenders forum name: @Ares_Xena I really would love to know how what I said deserved a verbal warning!! Don't close this. I want fry to respond. Also last time I checked only fry could lock staff reports :') @Ares_Xena Lol. Show me what you think deserves a verbal warning. I don't remember swearing.
Your unrelated commentary on threads caused a level 0 infraction. Along with your constant involvement in (toxic) arguments.
Never have I stated anything involving locking this thread. Please keep your assumptions to yourself.
Anna, he gave you a warning for an off topic post and being involved in a flame situation. How is this abuse or neglect of his permissions?
Furthermore, I am closing this report as the actions of the moderator were indeed, fine. Thank you for your concern. If you have any further evidence or issues with/against this moderator, feel free to PM me. I closed it because flaming and off topic post are against the rules. They can 100% warrant a warning. I hope you have learned your lesson.