So I got on this morning and my entire island was stripped. Chests empty, shop griefed and all 70k of what I had gone. I have proof that I had that much money as well. I used to have 100k but I spent some on pig spawners and diamonds (both of which were taken.) It turns out some islands were griefable and some were not. Everything I have worked hard for is gone. The only reason I got the rank God is so that my shop would be more popular and I would have /fly on skyblock. All 4 months of my hard work are gone. This has happened to multiple people (hence the title.) I'm not sure how this can be fixed, but if it can please do. I am not the only one who feels this way. I have cleared my warps so no one can get to my island, but it would be nice if the server cleared warps. I don't know if the griefer set a warp on my island. ~Sarah Pictures. 1. How much I used to have 2. How much I have now 3. How they got out of my shop and onto my island. 4. Blocks broken in my shop as well as all items not in frames. 5. Where my pigs spawner used to be.
OMG almost all skyblock islands are being griefed! Skyblock needs to be fixed or shut down! @ScoFu13 @Noobcrew @CypriotMerks @rachetclanks @many more
... I don't think I have ever meet such a hypocrite. I will be making a report later today. I thought you were better than this.