I am still not able to change spawners with a spawn eggs, even directly after the server reboot. As far as I can remember there are two permission categories. One for OPED player and one for regular players which is probably still set to false. Also there is an exploit to get unlimited warps. I keep losing ownership of the warps I set which resets my warp limit and allows me to make a new one. I've only tried this on my non-ranked account and I have been able to set three warps. I lose the ability to delete the old warps but they still work.
I retested the warp plugin and it's working fine.. can you elaborate more on this exploit? I cannot fix an exploit if I don't know how it's done
Yes. I did a test. I logged and set a warp "/setwarp testingwarp". The I was able to delete and reset the that warp as long as i stayed logged in. Then I disconnected from Mineverse and relogged back in. When I tried to do the command "/delwarp testingwarp" I get an error that says "You do not own warp: testingwarp". Then I was able to set a new warp "/setwarp newtestingwarp". Both warps still work on Skyblock. They are set at spawn and I took some screenshots if you need.
I should mention that I did this with my non-ranked account that should only be allowed to set 1 warp. I have probably set about 5 or 6 now.
Locking as inactive, if this is still an issue feel free to post a new thread here. Closing & archiving.