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  • Spawn of mobs

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by canucksfan44, Nov 1, 2013.

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    1. canucksfan44

      canucksfan44 Legendary Member

      Oct 27, 2013
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      Hello I am reporting this because there was a big amount of mobs spawned int he creatieworld


      There is no offender and if you mean the person responsible then Merilo_be

      Well I was joining every mini game/other things as ussual and then when I logged into creative Bam there were lots of enderdragons.

      Here is the evedience
      2013-11-01_16.24.58.png 2013-11-01_16.24.17.png 2013-11-01_16.24.17.png 2013-11-01_16.24.40.png 2013-11-01_16.44.12.png 2013-11-01_16.24.58.png 2013-11-01_16.42.57.png

      Sorry for a double picture

      Thank you for reading this and I hope this concerns you too
      Last edited: Nov 1, 2013
    2. Dirty_Ninja

      Dirty_Ninja Guest

      There is really no evidence that the player was spawning those mobs.
      And I cannot see his name in the screenshots.
      Locking and Archiving due to inactivity and lack of evidence.
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