Your ingame name: Xx_DarkFairy_xX The offender's exact ingame name: Scorvix A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Spammed A LOT in message at me. SOooooooo... I was waiting for the game to start. The game started. I was glitching and i was stuck in the lobby with some dude named Scorvix. (BTW i didnt know) He kept spamming me with stuff like "Relog or get banned" and when he started to spam that like crazy i said "OK JEEZE!!" so then i jumped off of the lobby and ended up back in the game as a zombie(how i should end up). BUT he kept freaking spamming me!! so then, thats how we got to this report.(this was a loonnngg description xD ) Evidence/ full screenshots. (that should be the right link... BTW i dunno how to crop photos) The screenshots must be full/un-cropped, or the report will be denied due to lack of evidence. Evidence over 2 weeks old used to report will also be considered void. (i just toook the screenshot)
Thank you for your report. This player has been muted. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.