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  • [Solved] [Please Archive] Hackers Griefing

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by prince_planet_2, Jun 27, 2014.

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    1. prince_planet_2

      prince_planet_2 Well-Known Member

      May 11, 2014
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      *****Edit: I figured out the problem; please look at my next message to find out what it was. Mods, please archive this*****

      Just then, I went to my cobble generator, turned it on, and nothing happened. I went behind the walls of my generator to the surprise of lava pouring out everywhere. I don't know what caused this as I have never ever (trust me) invited anyone to my island. I don't have any evidence of who did it, but the only ranked people that recently came to my island were "madisonjr" and "prince_planet" (prince_planet is my brother thats why our names are rather the same).
      I'm not sure if they had anything to do with it, but I just though I would point that out. Sadly, I didn't catch anyone doing this in the act, but I do have screenshots of the lava pouring everywhere. I thought that maybe you guys would have CoreProtect or some sort of records that could track who, or what has done this. Also, it has destroyed a lot of my redstone, so I am also mad about that, but I have more, so that doesn't really matter. Its a job I can fix easily (hopefully) but I would like to know who did this or how it happened, because whoever did it, would have had some sort of hacks because like I said, I have never added anyone to my island before. Thanks for reading!

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      Last edited: Jun 27, 2014
    2. prince_planet_2

      prince_planet_2 Well-Known Member

      May 11, 2014
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      I figgure now endermen have been spawning and taking out the blocks
    3. ScoFu13

      ScoFu13 Retired Head-Mod

      Nov 17, 2013
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