My ign: Plouuu His: SnookOG Description: he is using Incognito (ghostclient lookup on youtube to see it's features), I've reported him before but he got unbanned I don't know how, I went to his youtube channel (proof it's his youtube channel: go to his ban appeal and look at the videos he posted and go to that channel you will see it's his videos) and slowed down some videos to proof once again he's hacking. vid: Please ban this guy he hacks in his own videos hacks all the time he's so annoying...
First of all this is FOV that makes it look like reach second of all this video had been edited third of all I just dealt with this video and did not see reach
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff