Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: liewednedak The offender's exact ingame name: SmurfinWRX A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Chat Related Offenses, Filter Bypass, saying that he built a mansion big as f*** with "Tori" riding a d*** Evidence/full screenshots: file://localhost/Users/KirkDeWeil/Desktop/2017-07-21_14.17.03.png
The evidence that you tried to post cannot be accessed. Consider editing your post and pressing "upload a file", or uploading your image to You have 12 hours to perform this action.
I tried uploading it on Imgur and it didn't work? Is there a Mineverse Page that i can message this image to? Whenever i try to upload the image, it doesnt work
Ok, so do as I tell you. Get ready to type a new message. Besides "Post Reply", you will see "Upload a File". Click that button to get to your next step. The following screenshot will show what I did: Next, search threw your computer to find the screenshot corresponding with your report. You will have a box that will pop up on your screen looking like this (without the black parts of course): Finally, click the screenshot that matches your report. When finalized, you will see a box pop-up under "Post Reply", "Upload a File" and "More Options...". This box contains your screenshot that you are using for this report. This box will most likely look like this: That should be it. If you have any more issues, don't be afraid to ask them.
I did as you said, but it said "error, the uploaded file was not an image as expected" If there is a number i can text, i can send the photo via mobile Hello? Ordi?
If it didn't work, make sure you chose the correct screenshot. If it still didn't work, refer to using
It's OK, i downloaded a recording software so i can record instead of using screenshots, since they didnt work
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff