In game name: cade1221 Offender's in game name: tumpsheeheed Rule they broke/how they broke it: Profanity/Swearing Proof/evidence:
I was raging because somebody killed my villagers. That's a bannable offense in itself. I can give evidence for that, too. so, before banning me, consider the fact that someone has greifed me, too.
hey who killed yours? i just found out that all 40 of mine are gone too but i made a report so check it out?
cade1221 is nothing but a hypocrite, you just need to not be able to report anyone! I gonna keep eyes on you because me and my group see you talking trash all the time, so i guess we need to start taking pictures .
I talk trash? No, no, no. The thing is, I've seen you in-game about 2 times, and I never said anything bad about you or anyone else.
Dude you have reported me for stupid crap before, like it matters any how!!! don't worry my group is watching you from this point on. lets see if you can be a SO CALLED model citizen!
I posted for the warning not the trash talking. that way it is archived with this forum. That is the only reason it is in here. Thank you and have a nice day.
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.