In Skyblock, my name is Dr_Evilsin. WARWINNER123 stole a powerful bow that I had bought from CrumpetMuncher a couple of days ago for $550. He also stole a diamond pickaxe, iron block, a iron sword with a unbreaking I, a stone sword I bought from bff10123, cooked porkchops, an instant healing potion, 2 pieces of redstone, 1 flint, a piece of iron ore, and much more. I can prove that these items are mine because I went to several stores in the past couple of days to start getting an anvil to repair my bow. A couple of minutes before he stole my stuff, I said in the chat that I was amazed that I got an instant healing potion from a witch at BlockTown. After stealing my stuff, he had quit the server and joined back around 30 minutes to an hour later. Kenneththmm30 can prove this since I was chatting with him after this happened. If you are able to go through my chat and money purchases, you will know these items are mine and that I need them back. Sadly, I wasn’t able to get any screenshots during this because I had to go salvage what I can: 6 iron ingots and a stone pickaxe.