Many people have spent countless hours, trying to reach /is level 1000 to get the colorful tag next to your name. If you complete the chalange and talk in chat, nothing changes. Please fix this its bugging many people. @bananaman11223 , @TannerLittle , @Noobcrew
If the tag is too big in chat like (Skylord [God] munchiemouth: Hello :D As a result we can do: (Skylord) munchiemouth: Hello :D Your Ign color depends on rank.
After ingesting this thread, I have come to one conclusion. I think crew and cyp know about this and have decided not to fix it as they do not want it implemented. The advice I would give you is to make a suggestion thread about this as I do not think is is a bug and/or exploit of the skyblock gamemode. There has been a thread made for this a while back and there was no reply from them. It may just be a strange happening. Good luck if you make a suggestion. Also, if you want this locked, inform me. Thanks!