Good Afternoon, today chat was taken over for about 15-20 minutes by a group of donors sending fake messages to look like they had come from the server. As i use a non-standard UI, these messages are VERY fake to me, but can be annoying to players with standard UI. Numerous players asked these gentleman to stop, but alas they continued. the below imgur album shows a sampling of what was happening. The players involved are below. Destructor434 Kikikikil Awesomeman220 DaanEck2003 knabbel2003 A few of these players have done this in the past, but I had not reported them, this time that is not the case. unfortunately it seems to be when one person instigates it, the others just pile on. In this instance today, the instigator was Awesomeman220 with the others then joining in. Any additional details, please let me know. Kind Regards, Melgrath
please fill out this template before making a report : Your ingame name: The offender's ingame name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/screenshots.
well this isn't really a bad thing but if they were spamming it, or one player was then they could of been warned and muted
DaanEck2003, Kikikikil,Awesomeman220 have been warned as they were spamming similar messages.The other 2 weren't really spamming it.