Right after Cyp came on skyblock and made it to where we can all change our spawners with spawn eggs, I immediately started getting out the eggs that I have been saving for a very long time. After I was done changing these spawners, I went to fly over to my chests to put the items away. I wasn't even 10 blocks high, and the server lag kicked me out. Whenever I tried to join skyblock it would just kick me back out for the next 10 minutes. Then when I finally do join back, I'm dead, and it won't even let me respawn. Once I can finally respawn, all the items are gone. There wasn't a clearlag during any of this. I know it was lag that killed me because a fall from 1o blocks high wearing max enchanted diamond armor wont kill you. Any chance I could get these items back? Things I lost: 2 wolf spawners 3 silverfish spawners 2 skeleton spawners 1 zombie spawner 1 enderman spawner 1 witch spawner 1 ghast spawner 1 magma cube spawner 4 creeper spawner As you may know, this is worth a fortune on the skyblock server. Just the spawners alone, (16 of them) would be worth $65 irl on the mineverse shop. Attached is a screenshot that proves I had most of these items in egg form.