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  • [Skyblock]Hacked Chest Shop[Lack of evidence]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by mind_trap, Dec 27, 2014.

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    1. mind_trap

      mind_trap Experienced Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      1. Your ingame name: mind_trap
      2. The offender's ingame name: unknown
      3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Somehow they were able to open the chests in my shop and stole all my diamonds (537,600$), my emeralds (115,200$), my iron (32,000$), Ender chests (38,400) and my enchanting tables (115,000$). I have only pics of the empty chests. The various items that can be seen in the chests prevent the over selling of items, the chests used to be full up to the point where the wool /feathers etc are. If I had sold all these items I would had reached the 1 million money cap but my balance is similar with yesterday. I am the only member of this island, and never was another. Pls do something in these chests there were months of efforts and now they are gone. Who has the ability to open chest shops?
      4. Evidence/screenshots.

      P.S I heard a rumor that @Noobcrew went around and gathered the "rares". I have worked for all my emeralds which are not rare since villagers provide tons of them for meat. Infinite pork from pig spawners (I have 10!) and villagers = infinite emeralds and iron.
      Villagers are not hacked, they are produced by giving a weakness potion and a golden apple to a zombie villager. The iron IS NOT rare either, when the villagers come together Iron Golems spawn to protect their growing population but they end up in the iron farms! Those are not hacked items or rares!!!!
      The ender chests are made with obsidian and an eye of ender that you can buy from villagers, they are renewable.
      I am not a hacker and I don't accept to lose my work every time someone hacks.
      What work? When trading with villagers 36 stacks (1 inventory full) of pork chops will give you about 2 stacks of emeralds, I had 36 stacks of emeralds in the chest which means that I wasted 18 inventory fulls (648 stacks of pork or 41,472 pork chops) + my time to trade them for nothing. You do know that chests aren't filling themselves and that I had to gather the pork too, right? In the last screenshots you can see the iron in its raw form (Iron Golem) and my 5 iron farms, all currently out of order, griefed. I have 5 iron farms and for trading with villagers I have to use a 6th one that isn't mine only because it hasn't been griefed yet.

      What madness is this? Even the diamonds that I have in my shop were all bought! I have a sell shop in case you didn't notice the S in the signs! In 1 case over night they had sold me 180k worth of diamonds. The one day I fall asleep with 180k in my balance and the other day I wake up broke with a crapload of diamonds that were sold to me. Since then I fill the empty spots in the chests with clutter that will prevent ppl from filling them up and draining my balance.

      Is it my fault for having a sell shop? Is it my responsibility to know if someone sells me legit or hacked items in my shop? If it is, then tell me how to do it, otherwise you do your part in keeping the hackers out of the server instead of blaming the shopkeepers.

      I want the iron, emeralds and ender chests to be returned to me, I have worked hard for them and also compensation for the diamonds, if buying hacked items isn't allowed, 1) make it a rule in the /rules so everyone can know, 2) prove that the items in question are indeed hacked since some can be obtained through challenges (even diamonds) OR HARD WORK, 3) and then remove them. I have no way to know 24/7 who is selling what on my shop and it isn't my responsibility either, If your "protection" on the server allows the hackers to duplicate items it isn't my fault when they sell them in my shop.

      Is taking the items from my chests going to prevent hackers from hacking more items? NO! THE EXACT OPPOSITE will happen because now they have more reasons to hack, since there is room in the chests, they can make money by selling while previously they couldn't because my chests were full. The hackers took my money and noobcrew(?) my items?

      Sorry for my tone but lately only crap I get from this server, first I lose 1,5 million (from 2 accounts) with your update attempts that got the balances reset and now this. Griefing and hacking are everyday events on skyblock, yet since you cant go after the hackers you go after the legit players? I have reported many hackers/griefers myself in the past but I stopped, there is no point in reporting since in less that a week the hackers will back on the server if we assume that the mods were convinced from the report and banned the hackers in first place.

      Im nearly a year on this server and have accomplished so much, never been reported, banned or caused any trouble, don't you think that it is a little too late for me to hack? Can you understand that some people are feeling proud for not hacking/cheating? Every item that was in those chest was either earned through work or bought with money and I want it back. If I could simply click a few buttons and fill my chests I wouldn't waste my time to write this essay.

      Lastly I hope that it wasn't noobcrew himself the one who opened my chests, because if he was, then together with my legit inventory he also took the hope of seeing any improvement and professionalism on this server. Can you please return it? Sorry for bothering you and for my tone, I dont like to speak unless I have something to say and this time I had much.

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      Last edited: Dec 30, 2014
    2. AmazingFireGirl

      AmazingFireGirl Retired Head-Mod

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Sorry but this doesn't really prove anything and we cant really do anything unless we know who it is.
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