*The one that got scammed, GammaZeta, sent me these screenshots over Skype. They were hoping that admittance of the scam would be enough. So am I. ;-;* GammaZeta bigmac1206 Scamming http://gyazo.com/4e3ca56a29551bb3012714ae85b17990 http://gyazo.com/8e086d147e30fea9763013d04ddf4d20 http://gyazo.com/4a8d896011651951f0c876ec8c30b1a2
Sorry but I am going to have to mark this as invalid as I do not see enough evidence to hold a ban. Thanks for the report though! Reasons of invalidity (Question form directed at Gamma): What rank did you agree on? How long after was the screenshot taken proving you were scammed? Were the diamonds ever sold to him? If not, it is technically not a all out scam considering you both lost nothing. Even though he admitted in a way, I still need hard evidence. Thanks again Madi and if it comes up again, try to get Gamma to collect more evidence so further punishments can be held. I will also talk to the alleged offender in-game to insure he does not try to scam a player (Again or in general). Cheers! Locking and Archiving.