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  • shadodart1 [Invalid Evidence]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by shadowcookie232, Jun 1, 2014.

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    1. shadowcookie232

      shadowcookie232 Active Member

      Feb 22, 2014
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      1. Your ingame name:shadowcookie232
      2. The offender's ingame name:shadodart1
      3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:-anti-combat logging
      4. Evidence/screenshots.-below at bottom of report

      me and flare where trying to pvp, shadodart1 came in and killed me. flare went after him and close to being killed he disapeard. we waited in the spot and he came back about 3 times all of which we hit him as we could see fire coming out of him but he imedetly logged of as well as not having the comabt logger CUP in his place.
      he then quickly came back on and enderpearled to saftey. claiming that is was "lag" prventing the combat logger . as you can see in the photos these are not made up as in the chat is says that i have saved the previos photos on the second and third photo, also i stood behind his spawn so that he would not notice me as he logged. 2014-06-02_20.04.31.png 2014-06-02_20.04.36.png 2014-06-02_20.04.41.png
    2. Grayson

      Grayson Well-Known Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      This report provides us with Invalid Evidence.
      If you happen to receive valid evidence, please make another thread providing it.

      Thank you for the report,
      Archiving and Closing.
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