As you can see there's a player behind the offender which could be hitting the recorder. How can you guarantee it was him?
Yes i noticed the player behind him but i was being hit backwards which wouldn't make any since what so ever if the player behind me was hitting me i would be getting hit forward not backwards, once i was in a battle with him and a few others and after he started to run he started to use anti Kb this might not help just wanted to point that out
Wasn't hitting him he. As you can see he had his bow back and my hand doesnt move. I did hit him once but it after thorns could have effected me. and i hit him once i got hit back twice
Sorry but I don't see this as hacks, it could of easily been thorns and judging by what's happening in the video it looks like it is.
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff