My ign: irongolem50 Offenders name: ScoFu13 Rule broke/how broken: Abusing the power to punish kick;ban. explanation: I was playing skywars with my friends and we were all on skype. We like to joke around a lot so we were being our selves that day. My friend said a cuss word in the chat and he got kicked, which i find half way reasonable. Later, my other friend said "woah no skinny dipping" which i repeated to joke around. I said it in caps lock by accident and i was kicked by ScoFu before i could say i didnt mean to. Later, my other friend came on and dropped the f bomb on ScoFu in a term that was a joke. Scofu banned him with literally no warning and now i cant play skywars with my friend. The point of this is he finds the dumbest reasons to punish people without warning or intention to tell them not to. I also find this unreasonable as my friend got punished multiple times for using caps, which there is no rule specifically stating no caps in skywars. Proof: i am very sorry bu i could not get proof of this situation other than the fact that my friend, Paytonsscott was banned. If you throw this report aside, ok but please at least warn him.
"You were playing skywars with your friends and one said a curse word in chat" Yeah, so here's how it works. Moderators kick for broken rules no matter who it is. You and your friends get 0 free passes. This involves caps, language, etc. Also, if your friend stated "F**k" to a moderator, directed at them, this is a ban for disrespect. Sco wouldn't have known it was a joke, and you and your friends should've watched what you said. This is hardly abuse. Hidden Content: You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here.
It's pretty much what mpg said, if you do come to have any evidence about this situation, and Sco was actually braking the rules, then feel free to create another report, but I'm afraid we can't do anything about this unless you have proof. Locking/Archiving,
Your friend said "F*** you ScoFu13". (Without the asterisks I might add) That is staff disrespect. I actually have proof unlike you. Please do not harass me for doing my job and doing it well. I know what is worthy of a kick, mute, temp-ban and ban. You guys are trouble makers in that game mode. Thank you for the report.