Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: slayerjr The offender's ingame name: DerpDuhDerp A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming Evidence/screenshots. They said "gimme kit or i report" because we had a deal that i would give him kit god on opfactions if he gave me 35 dollars on kitpvp, so i did. it shows in the picture that i gace him kit god, then he hit me off his skybase and took everything else that was non kit god that i had, i had a full inventory of xp bottles, creeper eggs, armor, ect.
There is no proof of an agreed upon transaction. You do not show us you guys agreeing to a deal nor the deal taking place or not, these are chat screenshots after the fact and do not prove anything. Sorry if you truly were scammed but I cannot be sure with the evidence provided. Locking and Archiving due to lack of evidence.