Använd detta forum för att rapportera en spelare för att bryta någon regel. Vänligen inkludera: Ditt namn: plarz Förbrytarens exakta namnnamn: qesue En beskrivning av vilken regel de bröt / hur de bröt den: Me and him did a deal 18k for Elite rank, didnt get the Elite tho but I only got the evidence on the phone rip. So this guy scammed, here is some proof. Bevis / full skärmdump: ANMÄRKNINGAR : - Se till att ditt namn visas i bevisen via resultattavlan / chatten - Du kan inte rapportera på andra spelares vägnar
Pause in beggening too see that he agreed with the deal. Can you guys see who he gave the money to? Cause he dont got the money left.
First of all, we need full screen evidence. With this, you must show the player agreeing to the trade, you doing your side and the other player leaving the server / the trade for a considerable amount of time. You have 24 hours to provide evidence of your full screen
The thing is we need a recording that shows your whole minecraft screen and we need to see the trade from start to finish, the video you have supplied does not do any of that so we can not accept this as evidence. Unless you have another video then we can not accept this report. You'll have the remainder of your 24 hour time to provide any (14 hours)
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff