I'm not for sure that this is scamming, but I very much believe it is. Your ingame name: MC_supa_star The offender's ingame name: koolman05 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: " Do not scam, make death traps, threaten -- DDos/Death, or grief. (Death trap exception -- OP Facs) Punishment: These are not okay under any situation. You will be banned permanently. Example: “Pay me 50 bucks to have free diamonds!” -- User(s) pay and no diamonds come. ", which is stated from the mineverse rules. Koolman has broke the rule by selling a set of prot 4 diamond Armour set to me, and then killing me right after i payed my $187. He said he wassnt going to scam, steal my Armour, or kill me after the trade. Evidence/screenshots. I have a video.Sorry, the video footage is a bit messed up, but still can get the job done . It is kinda long so skip to 14:51. Click: P.S. In the footage mostly at the beginning there are hackers, but i will make a seperate
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