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  • OP PvP Scammed for 10,000$ by otfsinner on OP pvp [24h][Lack of Evidence]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by Crip, Aug 28, 2020.

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    1. Crip

      Crip Active Member Premium

      Aug 11, 2020
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      Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include:
      1. Your ingame name: 91CPS
      2. The offender's exact ingame name: otfsinner
      3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: he scammed me for 10,000$ on OP pvp
      4. Evidence/full screenshots: Attached
      NOTES: This all started last night 8/27 when he otfsinner got on kitpvp and started asking people to trade money on kitpvp for money on op, I said yes and I started recording on my phone just incase and went to OP and sent him the money. He then told me to go to kitpvp and he went AFK. After about an hour of waiting, I created a support ticket he tried convincing me to take it down and he would pay me back, this was clearly another attempt to trick me. He told me to take down the post and then he would send me the money after I sent him proof.
      - Please make sure your name is shown in the evidence via scoreboard/chat
      - You cannot report on behalf of other players

      Attached Files:

    2. Aly

      Aly Alchemist Premium

      Sep 28, 2016
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      Hi, we require full-screen unedited video evidence of this happening in-game, hence phone recordings of a computer screen are not considered sufficient evidence. We will also need both of you agreeing to this trade in-game as well since it is impossible to tell if it was his Discord account. You can post the video on any appropriate streaming website such as YouTube and edit the link into the thread.

      I will give you 24 hours to do everything I have said above. Failure to do so will result in this thread being closed for lack of evidence. Thanks!
      Last edited: Aug 28, 2020
    3. Crip

      Crip Active Member Premium

      Aug 11, 2020
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      I just uploaded the footage of both of us agreeing to the trade on youtube, it also shows me paying him.
      Heres the link:
      Sorry I dont have a proper recording software.
    4. Aly

      Aly Alchemist Premium

      Sep 28, 2016
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      Unfortunately, as I have said above, we only accept full un-edited video evidence, therefore recordings from a phone of a computer screen are not considered sufficient evidence.

      Since you've said that you do not have a proper recording software and thus have no way of having the sufficient evidence for this, I will be closing this.

      Thank you for the report.
      Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient.
      Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again.

      Kind regards,
      The Staff
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