Hello, my name is Rita649595. My offender's name is kingbrandin. This guy, told me he would sell me a sharpness 4 fire aspect 1 Book for 32000. We met at the shop's trading station, and I told him I would pay 16000, he would give book, then I would pay other 16000 because I didn't necessarily trust him. I paid him his 16ooo, and he left the game immediately. I tried to message or find him, I couldn't. This happened a few hours ago and I really want him to pay for doing this to me and possibly others. I have a witness, He was in the call with me and outside the trading booth, his name is markslewa2002. I don't even care that my money is gone, I just want him to know what he did was wrong and pay for it. Just saying I am a donator, so I take this very seriously (I also sent a moderator application but didn't get responded), Mark is a VIP. Thank you